Your new business will rely on constant advertising in the main search engines, social networks and specialized magazines.
We also provide an extremely easy and intuitive management software ‘extranet’, for the administration of the warehouse and accounting.
Even who hasn’t any experience in the field of food service can realize a successful business, with our simple formula (no-chef).
With a steady work-shadowing, before, during and after the opening of your new Piadineria, never leaving you alone, Piadineria Marina allow you to start a successful business.
The great success gained with the training of the participants to our courses in Italy and abroad, and the continuous new applications to make new ‘turnkey’ places, led us to expand our offer, including training, planning of the places, furniture, together with first-class products at fair prices, in order to get a Successful Concept !
Since several years we are leader in the field of training and hundreds of people opened many Piadinerie, in Italy and abroad, after following our training courses.